Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This version of Liber Oz results from a long a project of love, inspiration, and collaboration between a number of people. The loss of any one of them would have made it impossible. The project began in 2017 and although it took longer to finish than we wanted, it is almost complete.
It will be published soon in two editions. A higher quality edition limited to 93 copies which will include soon to be announced features which will distinguish it from the other edition. The other edition will be limited to 220 copies and will be rightly lovely. Both fully suitable for framing and at 11×17 in size.
All proceeds will be directed to a non-profit charity related to Thelema, which will be announced soon.
If you have interest in being in the waitlist for notification when pre-orders start, please fill out the form below: